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Responsible editor. The responsible editor of this website is

Blvd.G.Wahis 272 (Place Meiser)
1030 Brussels

Liability. This site contains properties that are offered for rent or sale. The description of the property and the display of the selling price or rent has been done with the greatest care. However, both the technical description and the selling price or rent may contain factual errors or approximations. The advertised sale price or rent as well as the technical description of the property are therefore purely indicative and are not contractual. The display of a property for rent or sale cannot therefore be considered as a binding offer from us or from the owner or seller. The seller or owner is only bound by a written agreement following the firm offer you have made.

We strongly recommend that you visit a property before making a binding offer. Contact us by email or telephone to arrange a viewing. In order to enable you to make a binding offer, we have standard forms which we make available to you.

Finally, it is possible that the property is no longer available at the time of consultation. We accept no liability in this respect.
This site may also contain information and advice concerning the acquisition or rental of a property. This information expresses the opinion of the author. The greatest possible care has been taken in the preparation of this information; nevertheless, factual errors or inaccuracies cannot be excluded. This information therefore does not give you any rights against us or the owners. Furthermore, we do not accept any liability for any decision you make based (in part) on this information.

This website may contain links to other websites. The content of these pages may be commercial or informative and we have no responsibility for them. We also have no influence on, and are not responsible for, social media platforms and other third party services that are used on our website.
Intellectual Property. Intellectual property rights as governed by applicable law apply to the content of this website. In particular, the content of this website is protected by copyright. It is therefore forbidden to copy or use texts, images, photographic material, video material and the like without the written permission of the responsible editor, except for the exceptions provided for by law, which will be interpreted restrictively.
Applicable law. Belgian law applies to disputes relating to the use of this site